Does the Blood Type Diet Work?

I think Claire Nowak did a great job outlining the different schools of thought on this "diet" in Reader's Digest Online. I have pulled out my quotes (below), but you can click on the picture below to read the full text. What do you think?

Dr. Charlie Seltzer, MD, calls the blood type diet a “parlour trick,” but doesn’t consider the diets overtly unhealthy.

“People who follow these diets are probably living really unhealthy lifestyles and have no idea what it takes to lose weight or be healthy in the real world,” Dr. Seltzer tells Reader’s Digest. “So when you take someone who has no idea [how to be healthy] and tell them to follow any one of four plans which are already better than the one they’re following now, they’re going to see results.”

Do you have more questions about this blog post or Dr. Charlie Seltzer’s weight loss program? Contact Us, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.  


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